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31 Oct. 2022


How to register a disability abroad: clarification for Ukrainians

How to register a disability abroad: clarification for Ukrainians

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If you are outside Ukraine during the period of martial law and need to register your disability, it is currently possible to do it remotely.

The Ministry of Health informs that according to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 225, this procedure requires several stages:

• check that you have all medical documents and examinations in Ukrainian;

• send the originals by post to Ukraine to your family or treating doctor;

• the doctor will form a referral to the MSEC (medical and social expert commission) - form 088/o;

• the commission will review the documents and decide on further examination if there are signs of disability.

If an examination is necessary, the patient must come to Ukraine for examination.

What to do if it is not possible to come to the MSEC for an examination?

In such a case, the commission makes a decision on granting disability in absentia based on the referral of the medical advisory commission of the health care institution. The examination is not affected by the place of registration, residence or stay of the citizen.

Currently, MSECs have the right to examine patients and make decisions in absentia with such causes of disability as:

• occupational disability;

• occupational disease;

• disease acquired during military service and service in internal affairs bodies, state security, state fire protection, civil defense bodies and units, and State Special Communications;

• a disease associated with exposure to radioactive exposure as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In the case when the disability needs to be renewed, and the person is abroad and cannot come to Ukraine, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 390 applies, according to which the validity of the disability is extended until the cancellation of martial law and for an additional 6 months after its termination/cancellation.

Pay attention! All payments and relevant benefits are retained by the person until the re-examination period expires.

How to renew lost medical and disability documents?

Documents will have to be renewed only on the territory of Ukraine. There are several options for such cases:

• To restore medical documentation - contact your family doctor or any other primary care doctor at your place of stay. Obtain a decision on the restoration of medical documents through the Electronic Health Care System and, if necessary, perform additional examinations.

• In order to restore documents on disability, it is necessary to contact the social security body, which has access to the Centralized Data Bank of persons with disabilities and can provide information about the group and the cause of the previously established disability.

• To restore other documents (including MSEC certificates) or undergo a medical and social examination, a person can contact the medical and social expert commission at the place of residence, and MSEC doctors together with doctors of health care institutions will suggest ways to solve problematic issues.

We will remind you! Read about the updated rules for traveling abroad for people with disabilities and persons accompanying them at the link.