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20 Nov. 2022


Real estate in Europe: how much do apartments in new buildings cost in different European cities

Cost of living
Real estate in Europe: how much do apartments in new buildings cost in different European cities

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A large-scale study of real estate prices on the international market was recently conducted. In general, the study covered 23 countries and 68 European cities.

The report was presented by the consulting company Deloitte - Property Index, Overview of European Residential Markets.

Where is the most expensive real estate?

Taking into account the cost of new buildings, Great Britain turned out to be the most expensive country. The cost of a square meter there is approximately 4,905 euros.

The next most expensive countries were Austria, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

The cities with the most expensive real estate were Paris and Munich.

In which cities has the largest increase in real estate prices been recorded?

The leaders of price growth were the Slovak city of Košice, where real estate prices rose by 38.2%, and the Dutch city of Rotterdam, where a 27.7% increase was recorded.

In which countries is the lowest price for buying real estate?

The cheapest housing can be purchased in the Balkans: for example, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, you will have the opportunity to purchase a brand-new apartment for no more than 1,000 euros per square meter. Buying a non-new apartment will cost you even less.

In Serbia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Ireland and Latvia, housing will cost no more than 2,000 euros per square meter.

In which European cities can you buy housing at the lowest prices?

There are only two cities in Europe where you can buy housing for no more than 1,000 euros per square meter. These cities turned out to be the Bulgarian Varna - 885 euros per square meter, and Burgas - 900 euros per square meter.

In which cities are housing prices falling?

The only cities in the Old World where real estate prices actually fell were the French Marseille (-6%) and the Slovenian Celje (-6.1%).

Housing for rent: in which cities are the highest and lowest prices?

Taking into account the average cost of rent, Paris became the clear leader, with an indicator of at least 29.1 euros per square meter. It is also noted that the cheapest housing can be rented in the Bulgarian cities - Varna and Burgas.

Keep in mind that the study only looked at large urban areas. Analysts note that housing costs much less in small towns and settlements.

We will remind you! Earlier, we published a list of countries that are preparing to receive a new wave of Ukrainian refugees. You can read detailed information by following the link.

Photo: Freepik