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01 Jan. 2023


Free tickets from Cyprus Airways: how to get

Free tickets from Cyprus Airways: how to get

The airline from Cyprus, which is based in the city of Larnaca, is offering free tickets in connection with the New Year holidays. Learn more about how to get tickets and what you need

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In connection with the New Year holidays, Cyprus Airways, which is based in the city of Larnaca, offers its passengers the opportunity to win free tickets.

The Cyprus airline operates flights to 18 destinations with two Airbus A320 aircraft and has winter and summer flights. Winter flights depart from Larnaca to Athens, Beirut, Tel Aviv, Yerevan, Paris and Rome. Summer flight destinations are Basel, Zurich, Milan-Bergamo, Prague, Santorini, Skiathos, Rhodes, Heraklion and Cairo.

How to get free tickets from Cyprus Airways?

People who will travel aboard Cyprus Airways aircraft during the festive period up to and including January 7 will automatically become participants in the draw for free tickets. In total, the company plans to give away 50 round-trip tickets.

It is noted that the free tickets can be used on any flights of the airline during the next 2023.

"Through this raffle, we want to thank our customers for their tremendous support this year. Without them, we would not have achieved such outstanding results", - comments the executive director of the airline, Paul Cies.

We will remind you earlier, we told that the Finnish airline gives refugees from Ukraine the opportunity to buy airline tickets with a discount of 95%. Find out how to take advantage of the offer and which flights the discount applies to via the link.

Remember! An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine. In order to protect yourself from troubles abroad and to be calm for yourself and your loved ones, Visit Ukraine recommends not to delay and take out insurance online.

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