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03 Jan. 2023


International Legion: how and why foreigners fight for Ukraine

International Legion: how and why foreigners fight for Ukraine

Thousands of foreigners protect Ukraine and help us fight for the freedom of the state. Learn more about the International Legion and world-famous foreigners who have joined the ranks of the Armed Forces

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Not only our fellow citizens are fighting for the freedom of Ukraine. Thousands of foreigners protect the territory of our state, because they understand that in Ukraine there is a struggle for the freedom of the democratic world.

Why do foreigners help Ukraine?

As early as February 27, Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed to foreigners who want to "join the defense of security in Europe and the world" to enroll in the ranks of the international legion.

On the official website of the legion, next to the address of the president, instructions were published on how to defend Ukraine: you need to come to the Ukrainian embassy with documents, apply for service and go to Ukraine.

Full-scale horrors became the main reason why foreigners went to defend Ukraine. As Deputy Minister of Defense Hanna Malyar previously reported, some of them are engaged in communication or analytical tasks. At the same time, among the volunteers there are professional soldiers who perform extremely difficult tasks in hot spots.

Foreign defenders share Ukrainian values. The desire for freedom, respect for the will, exaltation of courage and belief in the victory of good are common values of the entire civilized world, which Ukraine is now protecting. Understanding this and wanting to make their own contribution to the victory over russia, foreigners heard President Zelensky and came to defend Ukraine.

Citizens of which countries fight in the ranks of the Armed Forces?

According to official data, citizens of 55 countries of the world serve in the legion. The British, Americans, Poles and Canadians show the greatest solidarity with Ukraine. Damien Magrou, spokesman of the International Defense Legion of Ukraine, noted that citizens of Brazil, South Korea and Australia also serve in the legion.

It is worth noting that the legion includes public figures who tell their compatriots the truth about the horrors of this war and why allied countries should continue to support Ukraine.

Among the famous US citizens who became members of the legion is the grandson of former president John F. Kennedy. 28-year-old Conor Kennedy was moved by the events in Ukraine, so he signed up for the foreign legion. The guy understands that the war in Europe will determine the fate of democracy in this century, which is why he spent some time on the front lines.

Malcolm Nance, an American writer and media expert, has been fighting in Ukraine since March. According to him, Nance wants to inspire "African-Americans and young Americans who served in the army" and show that there is a struggle for democracy in Ukraine.

Aleko Elisashvili, a Georgian politician and journalist, and Mamuka Mamulashvili, the founder of the Georgian National Legion of the Armed Forces, are now also defending Ukraine.

Brave women protect Ukraine side by side with men. In particular, 35-year-old Sandra from Norway, who previously worked in the parliament, is convinced that this war affects not only Ukraine.

Talitha Do Valle, a Brazilian model, has also previously participated in military operations. She fought in Iraq, but died on the battlefield in Ukraine.

We are infinitely grateful to every hero who came to our homeland and helps free the land from invaders!

Detailed instructions for foreigners on how to join the International Legion can be found at the link.

How many soldiers are in the Foreign Legion?

The exact number of foreign defenders is not made public for security reasons.

Who finances the International Legion?

The de jure legion, which is part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, finances the defense budget. However, there are those who fight at their own expense. For example, the Canadian Wally, who is called the best sniper in the world. He decided not to officially become part of the Ukrainian army and not to receive financial payments, because the struggle in Ukraine is not about money, but about courage and freedom.

"This applies to all living expenses, salaries of fighters, weapons and ammunition. We have additional charitable funds from private donors. We spend the funds collected on various platforms exclusively on equipment for our fighters, which is not included in the standard military package issued by the Armed Forces of Ukraine", - said the Legion's spokesman, Damien Magrou.

Why does russia seek to capture foreigners?


The Kremlin uses legionnaires for manipulation. For example, the Supreme Court of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic sentenced Aiden Eslin and Sean Pinner - US citizens - to death. In this way, the occupiers tried to influence the United States and Britain so that they would incline the Ukrainian authorities to negotiations. Fortunately, both foreigners were released from captivity in September 2022.

Despite all the dangers of war, foreigners continue to defend our country together with their Ukrainian brothers. Their contribution is extremely valuable and important, because all efforts bring the victory of Ukraine closer.

Thanks to our defenders!


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