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21 Jan. 2023


Learn foreign languages for free on the Akelius platform: details

For refugees
Learn foreign languages for free on the Akelius platform: details

Ukrainians who have moved to other countries have the opportunity to learn foreign languages for free on the Akelius platform. Learn more about which languages are available for learning and how to use the platform

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More useful news in our Telegram channel

To facilitate adaptation in new countries, refugees are offered to learn foreign languages for free.

The "Akelius" Foundation, in cooperation with UNICEF, has developed a game course that will appeal to both adults and children.

It doesn't matter what your level of foreign language proficiency is for studying. Here you can learn the language both "from scratch" and improve your skills.

What languages can be learned on the Akelius platform?

Currently, you can choose one of 10 languages:

• English – English

• French - Français

• German - Deutsch

• Greek – Ελληνικά

• Italian – Italiano

• Polish - Polski

• Spanish - Español

• Swedish - Svenska

• Portuguese - Português

• Brazilian Portuguese - Português do Brasil

To start learning, download the application from Google Play or learn on the platform.

Foreign language courses for teenagers

We previously wrote that the KidsHelpTalk project offers Ukrainian teenagers free lessons in English, Polish, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

Classes take place in the format of a video call with another child who is a native speaker of the language. What languages can be studied and how to organize classes - read here.

We will remind you! The use of the Ukrainian language in everyday life increased significantly during 2022. The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted a survey and found out that Ukrainians began to speak their native language more often at home, at work, at school or when searching for information on the Internet. Learn more about how the Ukrainian language became a trend in 2022 by following the link.

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