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20 Aug. 2023


Testing eCherga for buses: the list of checkpoints has been expanded

Testing eCherga for buses: the list of checkpoints has been expanded

The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine announces the expansion of the list of checkpoints for testing the eCherga. Find out more about which checkpoints will be covered by the e-queue testing

Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car
Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car

Recently, Ukraine launched eCherga, an electronic border crossing queue for buses and cars. You can find out how to sign up for the electronic queue online here.

The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine announces that the list of checkpoints for testing the eCherga has been expanded. From now on, testing will take place at 7 checkpoints in Lviv, Zakarpattia and Chernivtsi regions. 

"The testing phase allows us to track the busiest hours and days at the checkpoints. This is necessary for scheduling regular and irregular routes. From now on, drivers will be able to choose a specific time to cross the border, for example, a time slot from 10 to 12 pm or another," explains Serhiy Derkach, Deputy Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development.

It is noted that during the period of testing "eCherga" in the Volyn region, about a thousand buses crossed the border by appointment. 

To ensure safe travelling by your own car without unnecessary expenses, we recommend taking out a Green Card insurance policy. You can do this by following the link in a few clicks.

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At which checkpoints is the electronic queue being tested?

In addition to the Yahodyn-Dorohusk and Ustyluh-Zosyn checkpoints, the eCherga will be extended to the following checkpoints:

● Chop - Zahony (Zakarpattia region);

● Krakivets - Korchova (Lviv region);

● Porubne - Siret (Chernivtsi region); 

● Shehyni - Medyka (Lviv region);

● Mamalyha - Kryva (Chernivtsi region).

It is noted that testing of the electronic queue will begin in Zakarpattia region on 23 August, and in Lviv and Chernivtsi regions on 21 August. 

Safety and confidence when travelling abroad is the key to a pleasant holiday.  Don't risk your finances and health, contact an insurance agent to choose the right insurance for your trip. On our website, you can take out reliable insurance with a guaranteed payout in just 3 minutes.

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