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30 Sep. 2022


Employment of Ukrainian refugees has been simplified in Ireland: which professionals are affected

For refugees

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Employment of Ukrainian refugees has been simplified in Ireland: which professionals are affected

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

In Ireland, the conditions for hiring qualified specialists are softened. Innovations concern workers from other countries and, in particular, refugees from Ukraine. The changes take effect on September 1st.

In particular, the conditions for hiring doctors from countries outside the European Economic Area who have spent at least 21 months in Irish territory will be simplified. Physicians do not need special permission to work. You only need to apply.

How to apply?

Anyone wishing to apply must complete the "Stamp 4" letter and send it with their latest payroll to [email protected].

The letter should indicate "Doctors Stamp 4 Request". In response, you will receive a letter confirming the work permit in the country of residence.

From September 1, the Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Employment issues work permits in electronic format.

Ireland's healthcare sector is currently suffering from acute shortages:

• Psychologists;

• Speech therapists;

• Physiotherapists;

• Cardiologists;

• Pharmacists.

Also, under simplified conditions, emigrants will be able to find a job in the field of scientific research, engineering, IT, construction and social security.