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26 Mär. 2023


KPI, Shevchenko or Karazin: 10 most popular universities in Ukraine

KPI, Shevchenko or Karazin: 10 most popular universities in Ukraine

Ukrainian universities are in demand not only within the country but also among foreign applicants. Find out more about the most popular universities in Ukraine and what the ranking is based on

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Order branded Visit Ukraine merchandise and support Ukraine (worldwide delivery)

The international ranking UniRank (University Rankin) has published a list of the most popular universities in Ukraine. We will tell you who is in the top 10 in the article below.

- chartered, licensed or accredited by a relevant Ukrainian organization related to higher education;

- the institution offers at least four years of undergraduate (bachelor's) or postgraduate (master's or doctoral) education;

- the university provides courses mainly in a traditional, full-time, non-distance learning format.

The purpose of the ranking is to provide a non-academic league table of the best Ukrainian universities based on valid, unbiased, unaffected web-based metrics provided by independent web intelligence sources, not on data provided by the universities themselves.

It is worth noting that the UniRank ranking includes 181 higher education institutions in Ukraine. 

1. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI);

2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;

3. Karazin Kharkiv National University;

4. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

5. National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

6. Lviv Polytechnic National University.

7. Sumy Municipal Institute.

8. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

9. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

10. National University of Precarpathia.

What is UniRank (University Rankin)?

University Rankin is an international non-academic ranking.

It examines the quality of representation and popularity of universities around the world.

The ranking takes into account the ranking of the website domain by search engines, the level of attendance, the number and quality of active links and link source domains, the number of unique visitors and page views of the website of the higher education institution.

Read here how to choose the right country to study abroad.

We remind you! 11th graders from Ukraine can prepare for the National Multisubject Test (NMT) in Poland for free. In which cities of the country this opportunity is available and how to register for the courses, we tell you here.

Photo: Pavlo Khomenskiy/Shutterstock

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