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08 Okt. 2023


Ukrainians are suddenly restricted from entering russia: what's going on and what moscow fears

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Ukrainians are suddenly restricted from entering russia: what's going on and what moscow fears

The occupiers are tightening the rules for allowing Ukrainian citizens to enter their territory from third countries. Read more about how these measures are explained in russia

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The russian authorities have restricted the possibility of Ukrainian citizens entering through third countries. Now only two checkpoints are available for Ukrainians. Why moscow suddenly imposed the restrictions, we explain below.

According to the new rules, Ukrainian citizens can enter russia through Sheremetyevo airport in moscow and the Ludonka checkpoint on the border with Latvia. 

As you know, before the restrictions were introduced, Ukrainians could enter and leave russia through any checkpoint. This was almost the only option for residents of the occupied territories of Ukraine to travel to Europe to escape mobilization into the russian army and get to their homeland.

Why russia imposed restrictions

It is worth noting that there is no official document on the new rules for Ukrainians to cross the russian border. However, russian propaganda media claim that the government's order states that this is a "temporary measure aimed at ensuring the security of russians in the current geopolitical environment."

As you know, the border of the russian federation conducts serious checks of Ukrainians trying to enter russia. At checkpoints, in particular on the border with Estonia and Latvia, Ukrainian citizens often had to wait several days to cross the russian border.

For example, in the summer, russian border guards allowed only a few people a day to enter russia, thus creating long lines at the border.

It is unclear what exactly is the reason for the new restrictions on the entry of Ukrainians to russia. However, it can be assumed that in this way, the russians are trying to prevent sabotage and subversion on their territory.

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Residents of the occupied territories will still be able to enter russia 

According to media reports, Ukrainian citizens living in the russian-occupied regions will be able to cross the border as before.

It should be noted that russia is constantly conducting covert mobilization and conscripting Ukrainians who remain in the occupied territories. Citizens who find themselves in this difficult situation should make every effort to avoid being drafted into the russian army. One way is to evacuate to third countries.

We tell you how to leave the occupied territories through Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan here.

If you were unable to avoid mobilization and the occupiers drafted you into the occupation army, do not follow the criminal orders of the russians, which could lead to civilian casualties or the destruction of civilian infrastructure. Once you get to the territory controlled by Ukraine, surrender at the first opportunity. We will tell you how to do this in our article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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