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04 Jun. 2022


Free Greek courses for Ukrainians in Cyprus




Free Greek courses for Ukrainians in Cyprus

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The Embassy of Ukraine to Cyprus reports that in order to facilitate the adaptation of Ukrainians who were forced to leave Ukraine due to the war, the Ministry of Education of Cyprus is organizing free intensive Greek language courses.

The courses are organized for Ukrainians who arrived in the Republic of Cyprus after February 24, 2022 and received temporary protection status.

Training will be held in June and July this year, in the following educational institutions:

👉 Nicosia - Γυμνάσιο Αγλαντζιάς, (☎️ 22305215);

👉 Limassol - Λύανίτειο Λύκειο, (☎️25305245);

👉 Larnaca - ύαγκύπριο Λύκειο, (☎️ 24304164);

👉 Paphos - κειο Α΄ Εθνάρχη κακαρίου Γ΄, (☎️ 26306284);

👉 Famagusta - Πκειο Παραλιμνίου, (☎️ 23820978).

Classes will be held 5 times a week (Monday to Friday) in the afternoon. One meeting will consist of three training periods of 45 minutes each.

Registration of applicants will last from 6 to 9 June 2022 from 14:30. until 19:30

Upon registration, you will need to present proof of identity and official status of residence in the Republic of Cyprus.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the relevant educational institution.

Ukrainians (adults and minors) are exempt from all tuition fees, including registration fee of 10 euros. Training materials will be provided free of charge.

Previously, we informed how to get financial assistance in Cyprus.