1 min

Documents What to do if you have lost your passport abroad: an algorithm of actions

What to do if you have lost your passport abroad: an algorithm of actions

Anyone can lose or steal passport documents while staying in another country. However, it is important to remember the algorithm of actions in such a situation. Here's what to do if you lose your passport abroad

18 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Ausbildung NMT 2023: where Ukrainian graduates can take the exam in Poland

NMT 2023: where Ukrainian graduates can take the exam in Poland

Ukrainians who are currently abroad have the opportunity to take the National Multisubject Test (NMT), which is required for admission to higher education institutions. We will tell you where you can take the exam in Poland

18 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Popular Vyshyvanka Day: interesting traditions, facts and significance for the Ukrainian people

Vyshyvanka Day: interesting traditions, facts and significance for the Ukrainian people

The main attribute of the Vyshyvanka Day is an embroidered shirt, which is considered a symbol of identification of the Ukrainian people. We tell you about the history of the holiday, the meaning of embroidery, and when Ukrainians started wearing embroidery for the first time

18 Mai. 2023

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3 min

Krieg How will the Turkish presidential election affect support for Ukraine in the war with russia?

How will the Turkish presidential election affect support for Ukraine in the war with russia?

Turkey has made a significant contribution to supporting Ukraine in the wake of russia's armed aggression. Find out more about how Erdogan's victory/loss could affect relations with Ukraine and whether we should expect further assistance

18 Mai. 2023

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2 min

Der Weg zum Sieg Zelenskyy's tour before the counteroffensive: results of his visit to Europe

Zelenskyy's tour before the counteroffensive: results of his visit to Europe

The Ukrainian authorities do not hide the fact that preparations for the Armed Forces' counteroffensive are almost complete, and only some equipment and weapons are missing. Find out more about the results of Zelenskyy's three-day European tour and what the EU countries will provide for Ukraine.

18 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Finance Red Cross in Poland resumes providing financial assistance to Ukrainians: how to apply

Red Cross in Poland resumes providing financial assistance to Ukrainians: how to apply

Refugees from Ukraine who have taken refuge in Poland can again apply for funds from the Red Cross. Find out more about who is eligible for benefits

17 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Krieg How has Ukrainian youth changed during the war and what do teenagers want?

How has Ukrainian youth changed during the war and what do teenagers want?

During the war, young people in Ukraine find themselves in a difficult and challenging situation. However, despite the difficulties, teenagers continue to strive for a peaceful and fulfilling life. Find out more about how Ukrainian youth are developing and what their plans for the future are

17 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Regeln für die Einreise Visa application for entry to Ukraine for foreigners: list of documents, visa requirements and cost

Visa application for entry to Ukraine for foreigners: list of documents, visa requirements and cost

To enter Ukraine, foreign citizens need to apply for a visa in accordance with the purpose of their trip. Find out more about the types of Ukrainian visas, how to confirm the purpose of your trip, and where to apply for a visa to enter Ukraine

17 Mai. 2023

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