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21 Feb. 2023


Using your own car in Italy: current rules and documents for Ukrainians

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Using your own car in Italy: current rules and documents for Ukrainians

Refugees from Ukraine who arrived in Italy in their own car are obliged to know and navigate the rules of traffic, as well as driving a car with Ukrainian registration. Learn more about exchanging driving licenses in the country and how to get an Italian driver's license

Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car
Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car

Having your own transport makes life abroad much easier. There are more than 150,000 refugees from Ukraine in Italy, and many of them came to the country in their own cars. Therefore, we are sharing relevant information in 2023 regarding the exchange of a driver's license, car registration and insurance.

Do Ukrainians need to exchange driver's licenses in Italy?

A Ukrainian driver's license is valid in Italy for 1 year from the moment of official registration of a Ukrainian. After this period, it is forbidden to drive a car. Violation of this rule will result in a fine of 2,000 euros.

Drivers with an old-style license do not need a legalized translation to use the document abroad. This decision was taken by the European Parliament to make life easier for Ukrainian refugees.

How to get an Italian driving license?

To exchange a Ukrainian ID, you need to remember several key requirements:

• Exchange certificates within 4 years from the date of registration in the country;

• it is not necessary to pass a theoretical and practical exam;

• it is necessary to receive confirmation from the Ukrainian side about the validity of your driver's license. To do this, contact the "Motorizazzione civile" institution, which will independently send the request to Ukraine.

If a Ukrainian has missed the 4-year term, he must complete his studies at a driving school and pass a driving test.

Do you need car insurance in Italy?

All cars that drive on Italian roads must have an insurance policy. In order to protect yourself, you should purchase a "Green Card". This can be done by following the link.

Autocivilka has a number of advantages:

• an insurance policy can be purchased both in Ukraine and directly in Italy;

• policy registration is available online;

• the policy is valid in 44 countries;

You can learn more about the features of the Green Card insurance policy here.

Basic rules of the road in Italy

Firstly, you need to take care of the speed regime: in cities, drive at a speed of up to 50 km/h, outside the populated area - 90 km/h, and on the highway you can reach 130 km/h. The driver is fined for violating the speed limit.

Be sure to wear seat belts, do not talk on the phone and turn on the dipped beam of headlights outside populated areas. Police officers notice violators and issue fines.

Do not ignore the "Zona traffico limitato" sign, which limits traffic in the historic city center. It shows the days and time when traffic in the zone is prohibited.

What are the fines for violating traffic rules in Italy?

Italy has set large fines so that drivers do not commit the offense again.

For violating the speed limit, the driver will pay a fine of 20 to 760 euros. Ignoring the parking rules carries a fine of 19 euros, and driving through a restricted traffic zone – 100 euros.

Pay attention! Violating traffic rules at night will increase the fine by 30%.

As a reminder, refugees living in Italy can issue the "L'ISEE" document - an indicator of people's financial situation, on the basis of which you can receive additional benefits. Find out where you can get this document by following the link.

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